- Classico X
GreenRoom UNO/1 -
CLASSICO X GR-GreenRoom Ideas Cooperation 聯名作品:UNO /1 ,4/8~5/7 於 CLASSICO 台北信義形象店空間內展出,將開發過程設計過程、打版樣貌同步與大家分享。
CLASSICO X GR-GreenRoom Ideas Cooperation 聯名作品:UNO /1 ,4/8~5/7 於 CLASSICO 台北信義形象店空間內展出,將開發過程設計過程、打版樣貌同步與大家分享。
CLASSICO 品牌邁入第五周年與 GR-GreenRoom Ideas Cooperation 將推出首款雙品牌跨界設計合作共同打造一支蘊含 GreenRoom 理想與態度的圓框眼鏡。 CLASSICO 向來一直以經典致敬的方式,透過手工版料與機器半手工製作完成作品;特別喜愛是來自於 Vespa 義式古典的工藝語言,一直隱藏在品牌精神當中。故透過義語的”唯一”字義 UNO / 1來為鏡框取名,彷彿一枚童軍勳章,一只嘉勉的勇氣,為唯一的志業驕傲。這次為這支 UNO / 1 鏡框所設計的皮套 Spacecraft (眼鏡套) 像雕塑一樣存在於空間,讓使用者遊蕩在他所塑造出來的氛圍之中。Spacecraft 如同字義上“太空船”一樣,像似從另一次元所出沒的造型漂浮在你的視覺裡,如實地擁有收納空間(Space)與手藝( craft ) 精神的事實。實用的立體的空間可以輕易收納眼鏡,並有扎實的手工縫線所塑出的稜線適當地保護眼鏡,免於外力壓迫。GreenRoom 用設計努力延伸至觸角,吸收世界的養分;相信這件作品的合作計畫可以讓兩個品牌(GR X CLASSICO)一同茁壯,敬請期待雙方品牌上面延伸互相交流、共同的設計詮釋。
圓框眼鏡彷彿是一種設計人或是建築人的加冕,自泥濘中慢慢地拔身而出,開始自信地想要留給世界一些美好的事物、影響世界的思想,這也是六年成立GreenRoom的時候,想要實現的精神與抱負。於是除了皮革作品之外,在三年前,與CLASSICO 的相遇開始,著手設計打造一支蘊含GreenRoom理想與態度的圓框眼鏡。從外形上,從幾何上展現現代科學的基礎,演繹出正面框型;從轉折處延伸至耳際後的鏡腳,埋伏著像似雕刻品般的流暢感,透露用手鋪成而出的秩序。
Round-shaped glasses are like the coronation for designer or architect. Slowly showing its appearance, they inherit the world with the legacy of beautiful things and the ideas that affect the world. This notion is also the spirit and ambition that we want to embody when GreenRoom was established 6 years ago. Upholding this ideal, we started out to design pairs of round-shaped glasses that comprises GreenRoom’s belief and attitudes besides leather work when we first met CLASSICO three years ago. From its appearance, from its geometry, they show the basis of modern science. They demonstrate the front-side beauty of frame shape, and the turning point from the temple to the tip lies the streamlining of sculptures, revealing the order created by our hands.